Dear Father,
Thank you for sending your Son, Jesus to die for my sins.  I was a sinner and not worthy.
Thank you that as I confess my sins, you are faithful and just to forgive them, and that I am now considered righteous in your eyes. Since you have forgiven me, help me to forgive others who have wronged me, even as you taught us to pray in the Lord’s prayer.
Lord, we also ask you to forgive our national sins of racism, abortion, strife, hatred, pornography, adultery, lust, idolatry and our many other sins.
Be merciful to us. We realize we deserve judgement in our land for these sins.
However, we are asking that you send a revival among us so that we might turn from our wickedness and our land be spared.
Help me to do my part in changing this nation.  Although my life may only represent one drop of rain, there are many other Christians who are rain drops too.
Add each Christian’s life and their godly witness and influence to this sound of rain until Your love and Your Word covers this dry and thirsty earth.
In the precious name of Jesus I pray, Amen.