Best Prayer I Have Heard In A Long Time

2:22 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

Best Prayer I Have Heard In A Long Time

Best Prayer I Have Ever Heard
Heavenly Father, Help us remember that the jerk who cut us off in traffic last night is a single mother who worked nine hours that day and is rushing home to cook dinner, help with homework, do the laundry and spend a few precious moments with her children.
Help us to remember that the pierced, tattooed, disinterested young man who can’t make change correctly is a worried 19-year-old college student, balancing his apprehension over final exams with his fear of not getting his student loans for next semester.
Remind us, Lord, that the scary looking bum, begging for money in the same spot every day (who really ought to get a job!) is a slave to addictions that we can only imagine in our worst nightmares.
Help us to remember that the old couple walking annoyingly slow through the store aisles and blocking our shopping progress are savoring this moment, knowing that, based on the biopsy report she got back last week, this will be the last year that they go shopping together.
Heavenly Father, remind us each day that, of all the gifts you give us, the greatest gift is love. It is not enough to share that love with those we hold dear. Open our hearts not to just those who are close to us, but to all humanity. Let us be slow to judge and quick to forgive, show patience, empathy and love.
Working for God on earth doesn’t pay much……but His retirement plan is out of this world…

Lord, Prop us up on our Leaning side

2:21 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

Lord, Prop us up on our Leaning side

Every time I am asked to pray, I think of the old deacon who always prayed -
“Lord, prop us up on our leaning side.”
After hearing him pray that prayer many times, someone asked him why he prayed that prayer so fervently.
He answered, ‘Well sir, you see, it’s like this….I got an old barn out back. It’s been there a long time, it’s withstood a lot of weather, it’s gone through a lot of storms, and it’s stood for many years. It’s still standing, but one day I noticed it was leaning to one side a bit. So I went and got some pine poles and propped it up on its leaning side so it wouldn’t fall.
Then I got to thinking about that and how much I was like that old barn. I been around a long time, I’ve withstood a lot of life’s storms, I’ve withstood a lot of bad weather in life, I’ve withstood a lot of hard times, and I’m still standing too. But I find myself leaning to one side from time to time, so I like to ask the Lord to
prop us up on our leaning side, ’cause I figure a lot of us get to leaning, at times.’
Sometime we get to leaning toward anger, leaning toward bitterness, leaning toward hatred, leaning toward cussing, leaning toward a lot of things that we shouldn’t, so we need to pray, ‘Lord, prop us up on ourleaning side,’ so we will stand straight and tall again, to glorify the Lord.

How To Pray For Your Child

2:21 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

How To Pray For Your Child

How To Pray For Your Child
1. Pray NOTHING hinders your child from accepting Christ as his/her personal Savior early in life. (Matthew 19:14)
2. Pray your child learns to know God and will have a deep desire to do God’s will for his/her life. (Psalms 119:27,30,34, 35).
3. Pray child hears stories from the Bible that will be a basis for his/her decisions throughout life. (Ecclesiastes 12:1, Psalms 71:17).
4. Pray child will-develop a keen sense of right and wrong and that he/she will truly abhor evil and cling to that which is good. (Psalms 139:23-4).
5. Pray child will increase in wisdom (mentally) and in stature (physically) and in favor with God (spiritually) and man (socially). (Luke 2:52). This prayer covers his/her total development to his/her full potential.
6. Pray that child will develop a thankful heart and a positive mental attitude. (Psalm 126:2-3, Romans 8:31)
7. Pray that God protect child from Satan and his/her wiles in every area of his/her life. (John 17:55, Psalm 121)
8. Pray that God would destroy the enemies in his/her life whether they be weaknesses, lying, selfishness etc. (Psalms 120:2; 140).
9. Pray that God would make him/her successful in the work God has for him/her to do. (Psalm 118:25, 139:9-10)
10. Pray he/she have a strong sense of belonging to a family that is loving and dwells together in unity (Psalms 133, Colossians 3:12-14).
11. Pray he/she will respect authority. (Romans 13:1, Ephesians 6:1-4). 12. Pray that his/her entire life will be a testimony of the greatness and love of Christ. (Phillippians 2:15-16 Thess 5:2-3)
If you pray one of these a month, you will have your child covered for a year!

Disability Prayer

2:20 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

Disability Prayer

Disability Prayer
Let us pray for the vision impaired…who can only see differences in people, not who that person is inside…
Let us pray for the speech impaired…who can only speak with harsh and hurtful words, instead of kindness and understanding….
Let us pray for the emotionally disturbed…who can not seem to care for anyone that is any different from themselves, instead of at least trying to love everyone, “different” or not….
Let us pray for the hearing impaired…who can only hear the unspoken words, instead of listening for what someone is trying to tell them…
Please God…help these truly disabled people so that this world can become a better place for ALL of your children…….
by Tina Yows, July 1997

The Fool’s Prayer

2:19 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

The Fool’s Prayer

April Fools Day
The royal feast was done the king
Sought some new sport to banish care,
And to his jester cried:
“Sir Fool, kneel now, and make for us a prayer!”
The jester doffed his cap and bells,
And stood the mocking court before:
They could not see the bitter smile
Behind the painted grin he wore.
He bowed his head and bent his knee
Upon the monarch’s silken stool
His pleading voice arose
“Oh Lord be merciful to me, a fool!
No pity, Lord, could change the heart
From red with wrong to white as wool
The rod must heal the sin but, Lord
Be merciful to me, a fool!
‘Tis not by guilt the onward sweep
Of truth and right, Oh Lord we stay
‘Tis by our follies that so long
We hold the Earth from Heaven away.
These clumsy feet, still in the mire,
Go crushing blossoms without end
These hard well-meaning hands we trust
Among the heartstrings of a friend.
The ill-timed truth we might have kept-
Who knows how sharp it pierced and stung?
The word we had not sense to say-
Who knows how grandly it had rung?
Our faults no tenderness should ask,
The chastening stripes must cleanse the all
But for our blunders-oh, in shame
Before the eyes of heaven we fall.
Earth bears no balsam for mistakes
Men crown the knave, and scourge the tool
That did his will; but thou, Oh Lord
Be merciful to me, a fool!”
The room was hushed; in silence rose
The King, and sought his garden cool,
And walked apart and murmured low,
“Be merciful to me, a fool!”
- – - written by Edward R. Sill

Prayer for guidance and protection to those I love

2:18 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

Prayer for guidance and protection to those I love

O heavenly Father, our protector and guide,
You are the greatest Friend and joy we have!
To be able to come to You in prayer like this
is the most beautiful part of our lives!
It is not for myself that I want to pray today, dear Father,
but for those who are near and dear to me and about whom I worrying.
You know what they are facing, dear Father.
And You know most of all the deepest reasons why these things have come upon them!
And You know how I want to help.
Truly I think it would be easier if I could only face what they are facing.
But You know how helpless we are to help another even though we know what is just and right.
Only You are left, dear Father.
Do be with them in all things at all times.
Protect them from enemies and evil, my Father.
Forgive them their sins and put love of others in their hearts.
O do make them happy in their lives at home, dear Father,
and help them live as You wouldst have them live.
Above all, put love in their hearts for You.
And thank You, my Father, for Your goodness to them and to me.
Thank You for Your love and guidance and protection!
May we honor you all the days of our lives.
And be happy and uplifted even as I feel right now!

2:16 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

The Power of Prayer

If you happen to read this, say a prayer. That’s all you have to do. There is nothing attached. This is powerful. Just send this to four people and do not break this, please.
Prayer is one of the best free gifts we can receive. There is no cost but there are a lot of rewards. Let’s continue praying for one another.
Creator God, I ask you to bless my friends reading this right now Lord, show them a new revelation of Your love and power. Holy Spirit, I ask You to minister to their spirit at this very moment.
Where there is pain, give them Your peace & mercy.
Where there is self-doubting, release a renewed confidence in Your ability to work through them.
Where there is tiredness, or exhaustion, I ask You to give them understanding, patience, & strength as they learn submission to Your leading.
Where there is spiritual stagnation, I ask You to renew them by revealing Your nearness, and by drawing them into greater intimacy with You.
Where there is fear, reveal Your love, and release to them Your courage.
Where there is a sin locking them, reveal it, and break its hold over my friend’s life.
Bless their finances, give them greater vision, and raise up leaders, and friends to support, and encourage them.
Give each of them discernment to recognize the demonic forces around them, and reveal to them the power they have in You to defeat it.
I ask You to do these things in Jesus’ name.
In Christian love,
Your Friend in Jesus.

Prayer : Thank You Lord

2:15 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

Prayer : Thank You Lord

Thank You Lord
Lord, thank you for this sink of dirty dishes; we have plenty of food to eat.
Thank you for this pile of dirty, stinky laundry; we have plenty of nice clothes to wear.
And I would like to thank you, Lord, for those unmade beds; they were so warm and comfortable last night. I know that many have no bed.
My thanks to you, Lord, for this bathroom, complete with all the splattered mirrors, soggy, grimy towels and dirty lavatory; they are so convenient.
Thank you for this finger-smudged refrigerator that needs defrosting so badly; It has served us faithfully for many years. It is full of cold drinks and enough leftovers for two or three meals.
Thank you, Lord, for this oven that absolutely must be cleaned today. It has baked so many things over the years.
The whole family is grateful for that tall grass that needs mowing, the lawn that needs raking; we all enjoy the yard.
Thank you, Lord, even for that slamming screen door. My kids are healthy and able to run and play.
Lord, the presence of all these chores awaiting me says You have richly blessed my family. I shall do them cheerfully and I shall do them gratefully.

Novena from Mother Theresa – Started in 1952

2:14 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

Novena from Mother Theresa – Started in 1952

Holy Family Novena
You were chosen to receive this novena… The moment you receive it, say :
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven, give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.
GOD WANTED ME TO TELL YOU, It shall be well with you this coming year.
No matter how much your enemies try this year, they will not succeed.
You have been destined to make it and you shall surely achieve all your goals this year.
For the remainder of 2009, all your agonies will be diverted and victory and prosperity will be incoming in abundance. Today God has confirmed the end of your sufferings, sorrows and pain because HE that sits on the throne has remembered you. He has taken away the hardships and given you JOY. He will never let you down..
I knocked at heaven’s door this morning, God asked me… My child! What can I do for you? And I said,
‘Father, please protect and bless the person reading this message…. ‘
This is a Novena from Mother Theresa that started in 1952.
It has never been broken. Within 48 hours send 20 copies (Or as many as you can – God does know if you don’t have 20 people to send it to. It’s the effort and intent that counts.) to family and friends.
This is a powerful Novena. Couldn’t hurt. Can only help..
Please do not break it…

Prayer : We confess that

2:11 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

Prayer : We confess that

Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask Your forgiveness and to seek Your direction and guidance. We know Your Word says, “Woe on those who call evil good,” but that’s exactly what we have done. We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values.
We confess that :
We have ridiculed the absolute truth of Your Word and called it pluralism.
We have worshiped other gods and called it multi-culturalism.
We have endorsed perversion and called it an alternative lifestyle.
We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery.
We have neglected the needy and called it self-preservation.
We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare.
We have killed our unborn children and called it a choice.
We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable.
We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self-esteem.
We have abused power and called it political savvy.
We have coveted our neighbor’s possessions and called it ambition.
We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression.
We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment.
Search us, O God, and know our hearts today; cleanse us from every sin and set us free. Guide and bless these men and women who have been sent to direct us to the center of Your will.
I ask it in the name of Your Son, the living Savior, Jesus Christ.
What awesome insight!!! With the Lord’s help, may this prayer sweep our nation and wholeheartedly become our desire so that we again can be called a Christian nation that fears the Lord!

My Prayer For Today

2:10 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

My Prayer For Today

Lord help me to relax about insignificant details
beginning tomorrow at 7:41:23 am PST
God help me to consider people’s feelings,
even if most of them ARE hypersensitive.
God help me to take responsibility for my own actions,
even though they’re usually NOT my fault.
God, help me to not try to RUN everything.
But, if You need some help, please feel free to ASK me!
Lord, help me to be more laid back,
and help me to do it EXACTLY right.
God help me to take things more seriously,
especially laughter, parties, and dancing.
God give me patience,
and I mean right NOW!
Lord help me not be a perfectionist.
(Did I spell that correctly?)
God, help me to finish everything I sta . .
God, help me to keep my mind on
one th — Look, a bird — ing at a time.
God help me to do only what I can, and trust you for the rest.
And would you mind putting that in writing?
Lord keep me open to others’ ideas,
WRONG though they may be.
Lord help me be less independent,
but let me do it my way.
Lord help me follow established procedures today.
On second thought, I’ll settle for a few minutes.
Lord, help me slow down
and not rush through what I do.

Poem : The EMS Prayer

2:09 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

Poem : The EMS Prayer

The EMS Prayer
As I perform my duty Lord
Whatever be the call
Help to guide and keep me safe
From dangers big and small
I want to serve and do my best
No matter what the scene
I pledge to keep my skills refined
My judgement quick and keen
This calling to give of myself
Most do not understand
But I stand ready at the time
To help my fellow man
To have the chance to help a child
Restore his laugh with glee
A word of thanks I might not hear
But knowing its enough for me
The praise of men is fine for some
But I feel truly blessed
That you oh Lord have chosen me
To serve in EMS

The Warrior’s Prayer

2:09 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

The Warrior’s Prayer

Arch Angel Michael Warrior

Heavenly Father,
Your Warrior prepares for battle.
Today I claim victory over Satan by putting on
The whole Armour of God!
I put on the Girdle of Truth!
May I stand firm in the truth of Your Word
So I will not be a victim of Satan’s lies.
I put on the Breastplate of Righteousness!
May it guard my heart from evil
So I will remain pure and holy,
Protected under the blood of Jesus Christ.
I put on the Shoes of Peace!
May I stand firm in the Good News of the Gospel
So Your peace will shine through me
And be a light to all I encounter.
I take the Shield of Faith!
May I be ready for Satan’s fiery darts of
Doubt, denial and deceit
So I will not be vulnerable to spiritual defeat.
I put on the Helmet of Salvation!
May I keep my mind focused on You
So Satan will not have a stronghold on my Thoughts.
I take the Sword of the Spirit!
May the two-edged sword of Your Word
Be ready in my hands
So I can expose the tempting words of Satan.
By faith your warrior has put on
The whole Armour of God!
I am prepared to live this day in spiritual victory!

2:07 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

Prayer : You are God

Candles Burning
You are the peace of all things calm
You are the place to hide from harm
You are the light that shines in dark
You are the heart’s eternal spark
You are the door that’s open wide
You are the guest who waits inside
You are the stranger at the door
You are the calling of the poor
You are my Lord and with me still
You are my love, keep me from ill
You are the light, the truth, the way
You are my Savior this very day.

2:06 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

Prayer : Always There

Sun Rays Through Clouds
Hello God, I called tonight
To talk a little while..
I need a friend who’ll listen
To my anxiety and trial…
You see, I can’t quite make it
Through a day just on my own…
I need your love to guide me,
So I’ll never feel alone.
I want to ask you please to keep,
My family safe and sound.
Come and fill their lives with confidence
For whatever fate they’re bound.
Give me faith, dear God, to face
Each hour throughout the day,
And not to worry over things
I can’t change in any way.
I thank you God, for being home
And listening to my call,
For giving me such good advice
When I stumble and fall.
Your number, God, is the only one
That answers every time.
I never get a busy signal,
Never had to pay a dime.
So thank you, God, for listening
To my troubles and my sorrow.
Good night, God, I love You, too,
And I’ll call again tomorrow!

Prayer : Secret of Success

2:06 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

Prayer : Secret of Success

Jesus Prayer Secret of Success
“In these days he went out to the mountain to pray, and all night he continued in prayer to God.” (Luke 6:12 ESV)
It’s an undeniable fact that though one could lead a well planned life, unexpected things do creep in often. In situations like this, if not careful, it can open one to much pressure and confusion.
It’s good to learn how Jesus successfully managed his life in spite of a busy schedule. He was given the most important mission our planet has ever witnessed and he had to complete it within a very short time. One of the keys for his successful life-management is mentioned in today’s passage given above. Jesus had the habit of spending quality time in prayer.
Prayer is fellowshipping with God. It is spending time with the Father. The Bible, in multiple places, shows Jesus spending time in prayer, especially in the early morning and late night hours.
It was this rich communion with the Father that enabled Jesus to successfully accomplish his mission on a day-to-day basis. His prayer life helped him do the right thing at the right time. Though Jesus was fully divine, he could carry out his mission only as a result of his daily fellowship with the Father. Then, how much more do we need to spend time with God the Father, fellowshipping with him and receiving guidance from him.
It was after spending quality time with the Father that Jesus selected his twelve apostles and did a powerful miracle ministry (Luke 6:12-19). As in the case of our Lord, as you daily commune with God, he will give you instructions, ideas, abilities and resources to do the works he has called you to do. And the results will be tremendous.
Take time to fellowship with the Father daily.
Let that be one of the wonderful times that you look forward to every day.

Bedtime Prayer

2:05 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

Bedtime Prayer

Bedtime Prayer

Glory to the Father,
And to the Son,
And to the Holy Spirit.
Oh my God i thank you for all the benefits
Which I have ever received from you
Especially on this day
Give me the light to see what sins I have committed
And grant me grace to be truly sorry for them
Into your hands oh Lord I commend my spirit
Lord Jesus receive my soul
Holy Mary be a mother to me
Oh my good angel whom God has appointed to be my guardian,
Watch over me during this night
Angels and saints of God, please pray for me.
The lord bless us and keep us from all evil
And bring us to everlasting life
(One our father and 3 hail Mary and one glory be)
There is nothing substandard or inferior about what god gives you.
No good thing does the Lord withhold from those who walk uprightly. – Ps 84:11
So don’t ever worry about anything in life.
- – - written by Rinty Vincent

11:30 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Prayer after the earthquake in Haiti

Lord, at times such as this,
when we realize that the ground beneath our feet
is not as solid as we had imagined,
we plead for your mercy.
As the things we have built crumble about us,
we know too well how small we truly are
on this ever-changing, ever-moving,
fragile planet we call home.
Yet you have promised never to forget us.
Do not forget us now.
Today, so many people are afraid.
They wait in fear of the next tremor.
They hear the cries of the injured amid the rubble.
They roam the streets in shock at what they see.
And they fill the dusty air with wails of grief
and the names of missing dead.
Comfort them, Lord, in this disaster.
Be their rock when the earth refuses to stand still,
and shelter them under your wings when homes no longer exist.
Embrace in your arms those who died so suddenly this day.
Console the hearts of those who mourn,
and ease the pain of bodies on the brink of death.
Pierce, too, our hearts with compassion,
we who watch from afar,
as the poorest on this side of the earth
find only misery upon misery.
Move us to act swiftly this day,
to give generously every day,
to work for justice always,
and to pray unceasingly for those without hope.
And once the shaking has ceased,
the images of destruction have stopped filling the news,
and our thoughts return to life’s daily rumblings,
let us not forget that we are all your children
and they, our brothers and sisters.
We are all the work of your hands.
For though the mountains leave their place
and the hills be tossed to the ground,
your love shall never leave us,
and your promise of peace will never be shaken.
Our help is in the name of the Lord,
who made heaven and earth.
Blessed be the name of the Lord,
now and forever. Amen.

Be merciful to us

11:29 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Prayer : Be merciful to us

Jesus Be merciful to us

Dear Father,
Thank you for sending your Son, Jesus to die for my sins.  I was a sinner and not worthy.
Thank you that as I confess my sins, you are faithful and just to forgive them, and that I am now considered righteous in your eyes. Since you have forgiven me, help me to forgive others who have wronged me, even as you taught us to pray in the Lord’s prayer.
Lord, we also ask you to forgive our national sins of racism, abortion, strife, hatred, pornography, adultery, lust, idolatry and our many other sins.
Be merciful to us. We realize we deserve judgement in our land for these sins.
However, we are asking that you send a revival among us so that we might turn from our wickedness and our land be spared.
Help me to do my part in changing this nation.  Although my life may only represent one drop of rain, there are many other Christians who are rain drops too.
Add each Christian’s life and their godly witness and influence to this sound of rain until Your love and Your Word covers this dry and thirsty earth.
In the precious name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

Prayer before reading the Bible

11:27 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Prayer before reading the Bible

Prayer before reading the Bible
Merciful God, anoint me with your Holy Spirit.

And as I read your word, let me hear your voice speaking to me from within.

Give me wisdom to understand your message to me.

Let your word be the joy of my heart and the lamp to my feet.

Give me strength to build my life on your word.

Let it be done unto me according to your word.

May I rejoice in the blessedness of hearing your word and keeping it.

Speak Lord, your servant is listening…

Thank you Jesus… Praise you Lord

- – - written by Rinty Vincent


Spirit and Love Driven Prayer

11:26 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Spirit and Love Driven Prayer

Spirit and Love Driven Prayer
I urge you, brothers and sisters, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to join me in my struggle by praying to God for me. – (Romans 15:30)

The Holy Spirit intercedes for us when we pray (Rom. 8:26-27).

The Holy Spirit pours love into our hearts to give us hope and endurance (Rom. 5:5).

So it shouldn’t surprise us that the love we have from the Holy Spirit moves us to pray for others in their struggles.

Praying for others, what is sometimes called intercessory prayer, is a great gift empowered by the love that comes from the Holy Spirit’s presence in our lives.

Paul wanted this Spirit and love driven prayer to focus on his desire to proclaim Jesus, something we’ve focused on for several days.

However, this Spirit and love driven kind of prayer can be offered for almost anything that another brother or sister in Christ needs.

Let’s remember that the love we feel for others and the prayer we are given by the presence of the Spirit are there to gift us and equip us to pray for others!

Prayer : Today, Father, I want to pray for a number of folks on my heart who face struggles of all kinds. Some are family members … some are friends … some are faithful servants of your Kingdom doing your work in hard places … some are grieving … some face tough times … some are making hard decisions … some have family struggles … some have great opportunities they don’t want to miss .. some are overcoming addictions … and there are many others. Please hear my prayer for them today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

God answers Prayer

11:25 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
God answers Prayer

God answers Prayer
I know not by what methods rare,
But this I know – God answers prayer,
I know not when He sends the word
That tells us fervent prayer is heard.
I know it cometh — soon or late:
Therefore we need to pray and wait.
I know not if the blessing sought
Will come in just the way I thought.
I leave my prayers with Him alone,
Whose will is wiser than my own.


Lord let me capture the pure spirit of a loving child when I speak Your name.
Let me pray as a child prays, asking little for myself, much for other souls and for Your beautiful world.
Protect me, sleeping and waking, from evil. Lead me by the hand to good works.
Let me praise You in simple words and in glorious silence through all the days and the nights of my life.

Lead Me on Level Ground

11:23 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Lead Me on Level Ground

Lead Me on Level Ground
Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground. – (Psalm 143:10)

In this psalm, we cry out to God because we are aware of enemies who are set to attack us and of our personal sins that so easily entangle us in evil. On our own, we have no personal power to stand up under the weight of these two realities. Yet, our heart cries out to God asking him to teach us to do his will and for the Spirit to guide us to the place where we can walk on solid ground and live the life that pleases God. Rather than giving up in circumstances that seem insurmountable, we cry out to our Father in heaven and trust that the Holy Spirit brings his answer and his power into our lives and brings God’s blessing and God’s deliverance.

Prayer : O Father, through your good Spirit, please teach me to do your will and live your life in my world.

Maundy Thursday Worship Service

11:22 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Maundy Thursday Worship Service

Maundy Thursday Worship
Maundy Thursday Worship

The Opening


Welcome to this Maundy Thursday celebration. On this night we remember and celebrate the final supper Jesus shared with his disciples in the context of the Passover, when the people of Israel observed their liberation from Egypt. The Last Supper was Christ’s observance of the Seder—the Passover Eve Service. Hear this instruction that God gave to the people of Israel:

Scripture: Exodus 12:1-7, 12-14

Hymn: “Lift Up Your Hearts unto the Lord” PsH 309, SFL 63, TWC 771 (st. 1, 2, 4)

Call to Worship

Return to the Lord, God of all mercies,

for a feast of love has been prepared for his own.

I will bless the Lord at all times.

His praise shall continually be in my mouth.

O taste and see the goodness of the Lord

Happy are they who take refuge in God.

Solo: “O Magnify the Lord” (Praise and Worship Songbook, Integrity/Hosanna Music)

Opening Prayer

The Call to Wash One Another’s Feet

Reading: “He who would be great among you” (see box)

The Footwashing

(The simplest tradition is for the pastor to wash the feet of a few leaders in the congregation, either elders or representatives from different ages or groups. They remove their shoes and sit in a place visible to all. The pastor kneels, pours water from a pitcher into a basin, and then wipes their feet with a towel.)

Hymn: “Jesu, Jesu, Fill Us with Your Love” PsH 601, PH 367, SFL 251, TWC 436 (Sung during the footwashing.)

The Meal

Opened with the ancient Jewish table prayer:

Blessed are you, Lord our God, Creator of the Universe. Through your work, all things were made, and by your goodness we have this food to share. Blessed be God forever. Amen.
Confession and Assurance

The Call to Confession: 1 John 5:8

Most holy and merciful Father, we confess to you and to one another, that we have sinned against you by what we have done, and by what we have left undone. We have not loved you with our whole heart and mind and strength. We have not fully loved our neighbors as ourselves. We have not always had in us the mind of Christ.

You alone know how often we have grieved you by wasting your gifts, by wandering from your ways, by forgetting your love. Forgive us, we pray you, most merciful Father, and free us from our sin. Renew in us the grace and strength of your Holy Spirit, for the sake of Jesus Christ your Son, our Savior, Amen.

Hymn: “Just As I Am” PsH 263, PH 370, RL 468, TH 501, TWC 445

Declaration of Pardon

To all who confess themselves to be sinners, humbling themselves before God and believing in the Lord Jesus Christ for their salvation, I declare this sure promise: “If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).
The Word of the Lord

Hymn: “As We Gather at Your Table” SNC 245 (st. 1)

Scripture: Matthew 26:17-30

Sermon: “At the Table”
The Celebration of the Lord’s Supper

(The elements are distributed by tables; each person is invited to pass the bread and cup to the next, saying, “The body of Christ was given for you”; “The blood of Christ was shed for you.”)

Our Response of Prayer and Gratitude

Hymn: “As We Gather at Your Table” SNC 245 (st. 2-3)


Reader 1: God may be speaking to us individually, asking whether we have fully and freely accepted his offer of freedom at the Festival of Redemption. Have we, for example, sprinkled the Blood of the Lamb on the doorposts of our hearts in the face of human and spiritual opposition, clearly trusting in God to deliver us?

Reader 2: This is the time when we must receive God’s gift freely, to give God his due. “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might” (Deut. 6:5). “You shall worship the Lord your God, and him only you shall serve” (Matt. 4:10).

Reader 1: We are bound to thank, praise, glorify, extol and adore God who did all these wonders for our ancestors and for us. God brought us forth

Reader 2: from slavery
Reader 1: to freedom,
Reader 2: from anguish
Reader 1: to joy,
Reader 2: from mourning
Reader 1: to festivity,
Reader 2: from darkness
Reader 1: to great light,
Reader 2: from bondage
Reader 1: to redemption.

Hymn: “There Is a Redeemer” SNC 145


Scripture Readings: Revelation 21:6-7;

Jeremiah 31:33; Revelation 21:1-4

Parting Hymn: “You, Lord, Are Both Lamb and Shepherd” SNC 182 (Sung unaccompanied, very simply.)


———– Wish you all the blessings of the Holy Week —————–
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Seven Last Words of Jesus Christ from The Cross

11:21 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Seven Last Words of Jesus Christ from The Cross

The Seven Last Words from The Cross
The Seven Last Words from The Cross

The seven last words of Jesus Christ on the cross are a collection of seven short phrases Jesus uttered at his crucifixion immediately before he died, gathered from the four Gospels. The sayings were short and there is a reason behind that. Crucifixion causes asphyxia. This makes inhaling air to speak difficult and painful, especially as death approaches.
Seven Last Words of Jesus Christ

1. “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

Almighty God, to whom your crucified Son prayed for the forgiveness of those who did not know what they were doing, grant that we, too, may be included in that prayer. Whether we sin out of ignorance or intention, be merciful to us and grant us your acceptance and peace: in the name of Jesus Christ, our suffering Savior. Amen.

2. “Truly I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.”

O Lord Jesus Christ, who promised to the repentant the joy of paradise, enable us by the Holy Spirit to repent and to receive your grace in this world and in the world to come. Amen.

3. “Woman, behold your son . . . Behold your mother.”

O Blessed Savior, who in your hour of greatest suffering expressed compassion for your mother and made arrangements for her care, grant that we who seek to follow your example may show our concern for the needs of others, reaching out to provide for those who suffer in our human family. Hear this our prayer for your mercy’s sake. Amen.

4. Eli Eli lama sabachthani? (“My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?”)

O Lord, I call for help by day, and in the night I still must cry. Regard me, listen to my prayer.My soul is troubled, I am weak, cut off as one whom you forsake, forgotten near the pit of death.Your wrath weighs heavy on me here. Your angry waves upon me break. Friends watch in horror from afar.I am shut in without escape. My eyes are dim because I weep. My hands are lifted up to you.

Do you work wonders for the dead? Can graves tell out your mighty deeds? There, who can know that you can save?Lord, do not hide your face from me. You have afflicted me from youth. Your anger is destroying me.Your flood of anger closes in. The darkness is my closest friend—shunned and forsaken, all alone. (PsH 88:1-7)

5. “I thirst”

O blessed Savior, whose lips were dry and whose throat was parched, grant us the water of life that we who thirst after righteousness may find it quenched by your love and mercy, leading us to bring this same relief to others. Amen.

6. “It is finished”

O Lord Jesus Christ, who finished the work that you were sent to do, enable us by your Holy Spirit to be faithful to our call. Grant us strength to bear our crosses and endure our sufferings, even unto death. Enable us to live and love so faithfully that we also become good news to the world, joining your witness, O Christ, in whose name we pray. Amen.

7. “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.”

Father, into whose hands your Son Jesus Christ commended his spirit, grant that we, too, following his example, may in all of life and at the moment of our death entrust our lives into your faithful hands of love. In the name of Jesus who gave his life for us all. Amen.

These precious last seven words of Christ on the Cross must remain in our minds even after Good Friday. Amen.
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Good Way To Start The Day

11:15 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Good Way To Start The Day

I Pray Do You
I Pray Do You

Dear God,

I’m writing to say I’m sorry
For being angry yesterday
When you seemed to ignore my prayer
And things didn’t go my way

First, my car broke down
I was very late for work
But I missed that awful accident
Was that your handiwork?

I found a house I loved
But others got there first
I was angry, then relieved
When I heard the pipes had burst!

Yesterday, I found the perfect dress
But the color was too pale
Today, I found the dress in red
Would you believe, it was on sale!

I know you’re watching over me
And I’m feeling truly blessed
For no matter what I pray for
You always know what’s best!

I have this circle of E-mail friends,
Who mean the world to me;
Some days I “send” and “send”,
At other times, I let them be.

When I see each name download,
And view the message they’ve sent;
I know they’ve thought of me that day,
And “well wishes” were their intent.

I am so blessed to have these friends,
With whom I’ve grown so close;
So this little poem I dedicate to them,
Because to me they are the “Most”!

So to you, my friends, I would like to say,
Thank you for being a part;
Of all my daily contacts,
This comes right from my heart.

God bless you all is my prayer today,
I’m honored to call you “friend”;
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until we write again.

God Bless You.
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Deliverance Prayers From St. Michael

11:12 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Deliverance Prayers From St. Michael

Deliverance Prayers by St. Michael

Deliverance Prayers by St. Michael

For Deliverance

Holy Trinity, One God, living and true, Almighty and Omnipresent, Total Love, I adore You, I bless You, and I glorify You. I believe in You, and in Your saving and healing power.

Today, I recognize how much I sinned and hence, I am cut off from you. My Lord, I renounce from my heart and for always: Satan, his works, his lies, sin, impurity, and the love for power and pleasure that separate me from you, my God and Lord.

I recognize, O Lord, that I have erred: in accepting what other sects have proposed, in using God’s name in vain, in my participation in satanic rites and occult rituals that are not in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic Church. I have been an easy prey to those sects and false teachings because I don’t study the Bible, the catechism of the Catholic Church, and I don’t frequent the sacraments.

I am not faithful to the Sunday Eucharist and when I participate, I don’t listen to the homily. I don’t seek spiritual guidance, nor do I seek forgiveness of sins through the sacrament of reconciliation.

Merciful Lord, I can only express honestly what I have passed through. I return to You with a repentant heart, and I beg you not to refuse me with your mercy. Pardon me for all my sins.

I Renounce

I renounce all false belief in the reincarnation because Jesus said that we will all resurrect as he resurrected. I renounce the manipulation and use of God’s name in vain, and I renounce using God’s Word as a means of mental control.

I renounce all practices of occultism that tie me to the enemy: such as visits to witches, and diviners; the use of amulets, talisman and objects of good luck, like stones, crystals, wristbands, necklaces, and love charms that aim to dominate the will of persons, to seduce them, and and make them attractive to the opposite sex.

I renounce the use of black magic, participation in New Age, sects, metaphysics, Gnostics and other groups that make me forget that salvation comes only from the Lord. I renounce all superstitious practices and rites about knowing the future, such as horoscope, palm reading, astrology, and spirit of the glass.

Today, Lord and Father of Jesus, I renounce all false doctrines and philosophies that separate me from You. I renounce all these, and I call on my Guardian Angel and on St. Michael to be my witnesses. May their presence embolden me to be faithful to my words.

I Promise

All powerful God, I promise to follow Your commandments and to destroy all the idols that enslave me to evil. I promise to assist in the Holy Mass during Sundays and to frequent the Sacraments, especially, Holy Confession I accept the liberty of a child of God that You gave to me.

I promise to surrender myself to God’s will spontaneously and freely so that God’s will may be fulfilled in me.

I accept to carry with me, on my neck, a Holy Cross, blessed by the priest. Its presence on my breast assures me of victory against the enemy of God and the forces of evil.

I accept Mary as the Mother of God, the Mother of the Church and my Mother. I consecrate myself to the Most Holy Virgin Mary and through her, I consecrate myself to the Most Holy Trinity and the Catholic Church.

I accept the gifts of the Holy Spirit which I will use for the benefit of the Holy Church, and for the good of my brothers and sisters, and for the common work of spreading the Gospel.


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Prayer of The Depressed

11:09 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Prayer of The Depressed

Prayer of The Depressed
O glorious St. Michael, the Archangel, leader of the angels who stood against Lucifer and his devils, I stand before you with a broken heart, weighed down by problems which I cannot understand nor solve.
Your sword was instrumental in the defeat of Satan, the prince of darkness. I beseech you – help me withstand this darkness that engulfs me and my life. Protect me from negative thoughts and lift my spirit whenever I feel that everything will go wrong. Lead me to a total trust and confidence in God.
As you surrender your will to Him, give me the same courage to follow you. Let me savor how it is to live in the light of God who gives meaning to everything  that happens to us. Guide me to understand the CROSS of JESUS so that my sorrow will be my salvation.
Let me see the hand of God in all events of my life so that I may always hope that something good will come out from the bad things that happened to me.
Accompany me, St. Michael, in this difficult journey to find new meaning and purpose to my life. Light your sword in this darkness so that I may see Jesus and His Mother, Mary. Someday, may we see each other in the bliss of heaven, where all tears will be wiped away. Amen.
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